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The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield


Title: The Celestine Prophecy
Author: James Redfield
Published by Warner Brothers
Date Published: 1993
Pages: 247
Purchase Book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Are three decades of interest in modern physics, ecology, mystical religion and interpersonal psychology finally synthesizing into a new spiritual "common sense"? Are we now beginning to live this new common sense? Can it become the dominant paradigm of the next century?

When James Redfield first published this extraordinary book -- an adventure in pursuit of a spiritual mystery -- people picked it up, read it, and were stunned by its contents. They told their friends about it, and friends in turn told their friends. By word of mouth alone, news of this magical, moving work spread throughout the country, until -- within months of its first printing -- over hundred thousand readers had become excited by its predictions and touched by the way it made sense of what was happening in their lives.

Now you can discover for yourself the insights, the vision, and the uncanny accuracy of "The Celestine Prophecy". A parable filled with vital truth that reads like a gripping adventure-tale, it begins with the disappearance of an ancient Peruvian manuscript. Although few Westerners know of its existence and a government wants to suppress it, this precious document contains an important secret: the 9 insights the human race is predicted to grasp as we enter an era of true spiritual awareness.

To find the manuscript -- and its hidden treasures -- you will join one person's search. It is a quest that will carry you high into the Andes mountains, to ancient ruins deep in old-growth forest, and to a startling discovery. You will quickly recognize the truth of the First Insight: in each of our lives occur mysterious coincidences -- sudden, synchronistic events that, once interpreted, lead us into our true destiny.

When you find and understand all 9 of the insights, you will have an exciting new image of human life, and a positive vision of how we will save this planet, its creatures, and its beauty. "The Celestine Prophecy" will give you hope…and chills…as you begin to perceive its predictions unfolding all around you in intimate relationships and international affairs. And you will suddenly recognize the quantum leap forward humankind is preparing to make as we approach the new millennium. Important works such as Carlos Castaneda's "The Teachings of Don Juan" and the prophecies of Nostradamus have helped prepare the way for the revelations you will find in James Redfield's life-changing words. The time is right to hear them, and to discover the personal journey that is opening in your life.

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Listening to this book on audio was amazing. An adventurous tale filled with twists, turns, synchronicities, wisdoms, and insights — The Celestine Prophecy is definitely worth a read.

So not to spoil the magic that fills these pages, or in my case audio
 I will leave you with the 9 insights gradually uncovered in this book for you to ponder. 

Noticing Synchronicity

SYNCHRONICITY is the entry point, the measure of whether we’re connected spiritually. These “meaningful coincidences” are tiny miracles steering us toward the good life. They are always seeking first, to awaken us, and then to allow us to be guided by a spiritual connection to the unfolding of our intended destiny.  Staying in a state of alert expectation concerning the major questions of our lives, or the help we need, increases the frequency of Synchronistic answers. The secret is remembering, first thing in the morning, to watch for these magical Synchronistic moments.

The World has a “Spiritual Design”

This step in consciousness happens when we look back on the spiritual journey of humanity throughout history. We see that we are in a new phase of human progress. Humanity is now awakening from a materialistic worldview and moving into a new outlook that recognizes “spiritual design.” This design rewards an attitude of “helping others” and “making the world better.” When we adopt this new world perspective, our soul’s dream, of our mission, comes to us, and we move toward this destiny by a near miraculous “Intuition and Synchronistic Flow.” Thus, we are learning to make our way in the world by finding a spiritual connection and allowing ourselves to be guided. In this way, we’re discovering a more detailed understanding of how the world genuinely works. Together, with this insight, we can shape another historical era of inspirational life for generations to come.

“Giving” The Karmic Design

We integrate the THIRD INSIGHT when we realize the Universe is not a dead, uncaring place. It is an energetically connected environment that is spiritually constructed to bring our greatest dreams into fruition. All we have to do is align our lives with the Universe’s ruling principle: GIVING.

To create this new “world view,” we must understand and live in alignment with the Universe’s Karmic Design. We begin to fulfill the latest discoveries of Quantum Physics. As we open up to Synchronicity and Intuitive guidance, we realize that we, in fact, we share minds with one another and the Divine. The path to this majestic life -lies NOT in ruling others or taking what we want. It lies in always looking out for the “best interests” of others, and at the same time, striving to perceive something they need in order to manifest their dreams. If we give them this information, it feels Synchronistic to them and elevates their lives.

What’s more, when we practice improving in this way, it creates an immediate karmic effect in our lives. When we help others, we karmically begin to attract people into our lives who act the same way; they in turn, help us. These helpers are also being given intuitive suggestions of how they can help us. We experience their aid as exactly what we need at that very moment to extend our destined flow in life.

When we adopt this outlook, and ask ourselves how we can be of service to another, our minds connect more deeply with the Divine mind and our intuitive capacity thus opens up. As this happens, we receive an intuition suggesting a specific way this person needs information or direct aid. The key is always to seek to be a Synchronicity for others, by giving them just the right information and help they call for at the time of our encounter with them.

In this way, we begin to experience the transforming reality of becoming an “agent of the Divine.” (Think, “what would God do to help, if he couldn’t come and instead sent me”). The wish to help others opens up our Divine connection and strengthens our union with higher intelligence.

We also can prove this reality to ourselves by noticing what happens if we decide to pursue the opposite course in life, and become not a giver but a taker. The same karmic principle is in effect. If you take, you’ll draw people who take from you. If we manipulate others or steal energy for our personal gain, we find that we are being treated the same way ourselves. This is not for punishment; it is to allow us to feel what we are doing to others, and come back into alignment with the way the world is designed to work.

By getting into alignment with Karmic design and helping, we attract more desirable, life enhancing connections with others, thereby injecting Synchronicity into our lives. Thus, GIVING to others brings forth the exact Divine coincidences needed for our dreams to come true.  All we have to do is participate.

Human Control Dramas

When we seek the ethic of giving and not taking from, or manipulating others, we step into consciousness. We begin to detect our ego’s past manipulation devices,–Control Dramas– we have used to build ourselves up at another’s expense. If we are mindful and catch ourselves every time we begin our “Control Drama,” eventually, our “Control Drama” falls away completely. The dramatics begin to fall away until we can stop ourselves before we ever lapse into such a trap. Now, through giving, we can move forward Synchronistically in freedom — ready to experience, even more, extraordinary moments of God’s connection.

 The Spiritual Connection

We breakthrough, at least momentarily, to experience a moment that seems to move us past our normal level of consciousness and we sense an ultimate connection. Sometimes, this event comes through a “spiritual practice” we’ve found that brings us to this moment. It could be a peak experience at a house of worship, or through prayer, meditation, music, communing with nature or a host of other points of entry.

Instantly, we receive a “fast forward” boost in our sense of well-being, peace, and even blissfulness. An experience described by prophets and saints as a greater sense of knowing and wisdom, and the deep emotion of love. Convincing us even more by “foretelling” that spiritual consciousness is real and provides a look ahead to the levels of awareness -the ultimate goal of spiritual evolution.

Sensing A Life Mission 

Experiencing moments of  profound spiritual Connection opens us to the 6th Insight. We begin to receive a sense of clarity for where Synchronicity is taking us; what our “Life Direction” might be. This consciousness brings the strong Intuitions and guides us to our mission in this life. This could fall within any area of human endeavor or in the areas of life from relationships to finding passion in a career (education, business, medicine, or government services.)  It is usually a vague glimpse of our future destiny, one that invokes in us a heightened sense of inspiration and fulfillment. Though somewhat undetermined, our Intuitions can stand as a general goal that will help us understand, and follow, our Synchronistic path and help us move forward.

Following Your Intuition

With our mission in mind, and as our lives move forward, we begin to notice Synchronicities aimed at our ultimate calling. In this buildup of consciousness, we become aware of our Intuitive Guidance at a higher level. Through practicing MINDFULNESS, we can distinguish our thoughts that are Intuitions from mere calculative thoughts. Calculative thoughts are words that run through our minds as we make decisions, as though we are talking to ourselves. Intuitions, however, are not part of our deliberation over a problem or goal.

Intuitions come from a superior part of our intelligence. They naturally appear in the back of our minds as clarifying ideas on how to proceed. In short, they are ideas that sometimes seem too random, spontaneous, and not logical, but upon greater interpretation they can be observed to apply perfectly to the situation at hand.

Once we begin to identify guiding intuitions in this way, we realize how we have been missing them in the past. One way to clarify the different types of thought, is to ask yourself, “Why did I think of this now?”

Once we learn to identify intuitions, we realize how they bring forth Synchronicity (another elevation of awareness occurring). First, we receive an Intuitive picture (an urge) to end or begin something, to solve a problem, or to pursue some line of interest. Then, if we follow the guidance diligently with MINDFULNESS, an important Synchronistic breakthrough will take place — thus leading our lives forward to our greater calling. In this way, following our Intuitions is the key to increasing our Synchronistic Flow and maintaining our flow of destiny.

Giving Energy Increases Our Synchronistic Experiences

Once we clearly see the process of Synchronicity, what we observe most often is that PEOPLE provide many of our Synchronistic experiences; yet, sometimes others do not feel comfortable talking to us. (Related to the commonly used, “first-impression theory.”)

As a result, we end up leaving that encounter feeling as though we missed out on something they were supposed to tell us.

We find another step-up in consciousness when we grasp the solution to this problem. We must adopt an additional ethic toward others, one which enhances our attitude of giving as we communicate with them. We must actively “uplift” others by visualizing an expression of a higher connected consciousness in their eyes and on their face…Continue to visualize them moving above their ego into an authentic, united state. As a result of this, not only is the person lifted into a greater level of experience, they are more likely to intuit some message they have for us.

Fulfilling Human Destiny

We can now see how if everyone were practicing this virtue of “uplifting others” we would quickly accelerate the spiritual transformation of the world. It works this way: when someone uplifts us we feel it as increased energy because we receive a greater experience with the Divine Mind. When we return this energy, it moves our heightened energy back into them. Both people doing this creates a hot-house effect back and forth, where both people feel their Divine Connection getting stronger and stronger. Think of the “where two gather” phenomenon. When this goes viral, then everyone can quickly identify their life missions and can Synchronistically move to the right place of service.

As we embrace a continuous experience of Synchronicity, millions of individuals will be unleashed to follow their destinies — and we will all find a place in the working world, which is in need of freedom from corruption. In this way, all the institutions of life are moved toward a perfect level of functioning. Capitalism itself, business at every level, food production, the problems of poverty, chemical pollution, and Government regulation will all become enlightened.

This enlightened Conscious evolution works because it happens through an effort all at once, replacing the top down efforts by corrupt governments. The result is an economic development that frees up more and more time for individuals to pursue higher energy states directly with others. Eventually, the basic needs of humanity can then all be automated and provided, as we focus on Synchronicities that will carry us to ever greater spiritual consciousness. Over time, such growth will transform us into a spiritual form and unite our current dimension with the after-life dimension, ending the cycle of birth and death. Humanity’s destiny is, gradually, to bring the intelligence that inspires the Heavenly realms into the Earthly Domain.

Source: Celestine Vision

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